RGN season 3 ends quite well, rather convincing wins on all matches. I'll be doing one match per post, because I predict that I won't be able to get all 5 games done in one row. Since there isn't a replay for the finals match though, I probably will try to get it up as soon as possible to avoid forgetting everything.
Game 1 of RGN season 3, we play against Art of Seduction. They first pick, leaving us on the Sentinel with Visage, Beastmaster, Chen, THD, Warlock. They had QoP and Sandking, but I pretty much don't remember anything else they had. In fact the only reason I remember QoP was because she was in my lane, along with Sandking, who in an unforgettable moment, goes back to his base at level 2, returns at level 2 and immediately proceeds to be reduced to 50 HP being attacked by nothing but creeps.
Oh, I think they had Enchantress and Viper too. Can't really remember their last hero. I was rather busy farming neutrals and KSing the occasional last hit. In all honesty, I didn't see most of their heroes because they died too fast or were already dead when I decided to enter battle.
A missed burrowstrike on Musica's chen as he enters to ward creep spawns, followed by quick backup from LuX, leaves first blood on LuX's hands. Miscommunication results in me entering top lane late to solo against QoP and a latecoming Sandking.
I seriously have no idea what's happening around the map, except that the other team is being pwned rather badly. Had rather bad micro that day though. In a rare moment though, I manage to use my gargs to spot a Sandking hiding in the trees, and KS ice by landing a last hit just as his wild axes approach it. Chen comes up soon too for more help, and I just farm.
I don't know what else was happening around the map, but I could tell that we were pretty much winning because when we pushed the other team I think had got around half the XP we had. Not half our levels, but probably close enough. Game ends rather promptly.
Oh right, the opponents had RK too. I digged up this thread with their RK posting some funky stuff. I shall quote in chronological order. The quotes are taken from SEPARATE posts though. I'll say no more and leave them here in their entirety.
"wee why u nt happy arhs? limpei the sven on team AoS, what hide behind monitor ? wan come and try?"
"clan fedx paikia team? nabei buay song come bnet talk la hor , if still a hot we change to phone , and if relli cannot den we talk outside.. find me in bnet kok.drichable I WAIT"
Nothing much yet, but from here I finally remembered that AoS had a RK!
and I can't remember what this 'wee' person did for this reponse, but going on...
"i have grudge on u wee , u fucker u come out n talk la"
"btw zenith got 1 fucking nerd.. FUCK YOU ok dare to laugh? i break ur jaw see how u laugh?"
"ok la , peace all kay? i nth to do = = internet lagging like cock , need to entertain myself .. anyway i flame the zenith kid is cuz he laughed at me when i leave game."
"wtf? u dunno? theres onli 1 fucking nerd on that team , he keeps smirking after he kills someone frm AoS"
Eeeek. Someone is getting angry!
Warning: This post may contain liberal use of the F word, but if you're reading this now you probably already know it and the warning comes too late anyway.
But wait, he has one final comment to wrap up!
"knnb pro in dota big fuck? saw him at kopitiam keep on diao him dun dare smirk this is zenith for u man.. FUCK YOU ANT GO FUCK ANT.. btw u wan start wit me i anything one"
Now, I'm considering my choices here. Flaming back is never an option because no one wins a flame war, and I don't plan to give him one. Of course, I can sit back and simply not do anything but that won't make me that happy, and with quite a few people defending me on the forums (wow), I feel at least a response could be given.
"Your discontent is noted. Perhaps I should have changed my behavior and instead of being happy at winning, I should have grieved and mourned for your sad sad loss.
"Nooooo!! Why did I have to kill your hero! Why GOD WHY!!! *sniff* *sniff*""
If you don't already get it, I wasn't exactly trying to be serious in that post =.="
"fuck you ant"
I could point out that "ant" without the first letter capitalised refers to an animal not a name, but I fail to expose this wordplay as the thread gets, AMAZINGLY, closed by DotaSG mods. I think this is the first time a thread actually has been closed. Wow.
And that's all for the first game, and post-game drama.
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